Many times we find ourselves in a position where we have presented the customer with all of our data, all of our incentives and all of the value yet we can not get the customer to commit to the agreement. This is the most frustrating time for any sales person. We can't seem to reason with the logic of the customer and find ourselves asking the question of "What's wrong with this person" or "Are they seriously not going to do this". You must understand the NO. Who are you selling and by that I mean what is the personality of your customer? What drives them to make decisions and did you present the product in a way that tailors to their way of thinking...
Consider this...You are on a car lot and your mind is made up that you want a sports car. Let's say a Corvette for conversation sake. So you go to the local Chevy dealership and the sales person eagerly meets you and starts in on all the reasons you should buy the Corvette. They tell you about the 0 - 60 speed, the horse power, all the optional features but they have done all of this while standing by a black car the only problem is you want it in Red. Now you don't ask if they have it in red because the sales person ask you are you ready to take this car home and you say NO.
The sales person is confused because he knows you like the car but what hasn't he done? He has presented, very well I will add a vehicle that meets all of your requirements but one. You don't tell him simply because it hasn't been a part of the conversation. So essentially he has what you want but has not met your expectations. You expect to buy a red vehicle.
So how does this relate to what we are discussing. While it would simple to tell the sales person that you are intersted in a red vehicle, in most cases when dealing with our customers they may be more inclined to not bring up the need you are not meeting then to tell you. When you present a customer with a solution and they won't move forward, ask yourself "what am I missing"? What have a failed to ask that is keeping the customer from moving forward?
Simply try this..Mr/Mrs Customer maybe I haven't met a requirement of yours and I have failed to understand what is that you won't, would you mind telling me what my product or service does not have that is more import to you?
Sounds simple simply do it and see what the response is. Once you identify the road block, you can then tailor your product or solution to meet the "buy factor" of your customer.
Happy Selling
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