Many times we as sales professionals will be faced with the reasons customers claim they can't commit to our products and services otherwise known as "OBJECTIONS". You give the customer your best pitch and it seems like a no brainer but out of left field they give you some reason why they want to hold off or can't do business with you. We must learn to embrace, expect and look forward to this moment as this will bring us one step closer to closing the sell. There are many sells books and other blogs that will tell you how to handle an objection but are they really effective? My experience has taught me that the best way to handle an objection is create it. Try to consider all objections that would impact the opportunity and present them during your solution.
Mr. Customer the current ecomony has caused businesses like yours to reduce spending for (whatever your selling) but the benefits for your business are (give the customer value).
Mrs. Customer you probably feel that a solution this size is not what your business needs but based on what we discussed, here is where you can impact your (address the following; revenue, productivity, ROI, etc).
Each situation you face will present an obstacle which can be used as an opportunity. Show your potential customer that you are aware of these obstacles but hold fast to your recommendation. Don't attempt to avoid them as they will rear their ugly heads when you think the sell is in the bag. Get them out there, address them, sell your benefits and proceed to the close.
Happy Selling